Writing Tips & Tricks

Sharpen Your Mind: A Diversified Writing Strategy for Creative Growth

As writers, we often find ourselves stuck in a rut, churning out the same type of content day after day. While specialization has its merits, diversifying your writing portfolio can lead to tremendous growth, both creatively and intellectually. In this blog post, we’ll explore various writing strategies that can help keep your mind sharp and your creativity flowing. From novels to screenplays, daily prompts to poetry, we’ll cover it all – and even throw in … Read more

Title: Finding Time to Write While Juggling a Travel-Heavy Day Job

As an aspiring author with a day job that involves frequent travel, you might feel like your writing dreams are constantly being put on hold. For me, they were literally put on hold, a little by my own laziness, and a little by feeling like I simply did not have the time when I landed the amazing job I have now. But fear not! With some creativity, determination, and smart time management, you can make … Read more

Confessions of a Lazy Creative: My Journey to Cure Writer’s Block

As I sit here, staring at the blinking cursor on my screen, I can’t help but chuckle. Here I am, tasked with writing about curing writer’s block, when I’ve spent more time blocked than actually writing over the past few years. But maybe that’s exactly why I’m the perfect person to tackle this topic. After all, who better to discuss overcoming creative stagnation than someone who’s intimately familiar with its paralyzing grip? Let me take … Read more

The Journey from First Draft to Polished Manuscript: Why Beta Readers are Essential

As a novelist, I’ve learned that writing the first draft is just the beginning of a long and intricate process. The path from initial idea to published book is filled with crucial steps, each playing a vital role in refining and perfecting the story. Today, I want to focus on one of the most important elements of this journey: beta readers. Now,, I am emberrased to say this, but I felt compelled to post this … Read more

I’m Writing Again! And it’s Thanks to Ai!

As a fantasy novelist and children’s book writer, I’m always exploring new tools to enhance my creative process. Recently, I’ve been experimenting with AI assistants, particularly an AI called Claude, to boost my writing productivity and creativity. A little truth first, I have hardly written anything in almost three years. Not sure what the issue was, just truly uninspired. But I had a friend suggest using AI to generate some prompts for me and see … Read more

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